Horayyy horay that's what hols means (: Bowlinggg and karaoke the way we lepak-ing style NOWW

Steal the photo from NrFarhana <3
Okay, i don't want to talk about me lepak-ing with my gegaaaaaal. Tapi nak cerita pasal title di atas maaa.
Td dalam itu kereta perjalanan pulang ke Shah Alam. Love umi and ayah told me to take course of clinical pharmacy. Eiiii umi nh sekejap suruh jadi dentist sekejap suruh jadi pharmacist. Mana satu nh? Well, aku tk kisah sgt pasal my parents suruh jadi tuh jadi inihh sb me pun not have any ambition yet. So, i asked them what is the clinical pharmacy it is? By the way, my sister pun amik pharmacy jgk. Tapi, i want to know what is differ from tht. And hereee that talk beginnnnn......
Berkata-kata ibu saya bahawa kakak saya amik general pharmacy. Okay macam kalau kita amik clinical pharmacy nh. Moreee workkk to gov , hospital clinic sume lerr kann. Bout my sister tuh dia boleh bukak pharmacy sndiri. Nak tahu apa occupation org yg amik course Pharmacy? ini dia list nya bebeh (:
- Academic Pharmacist
- Clinical Pharmacy Specialist (consisting of many subspecialties such as ambulatory care, cardiology, critical care, emergency medicine, geriatrics, HIV pharmacy, infectious diseases, internal medicine, nephrology, nuclear, nutrition support, oncology, palliative care/pain management, pediatrics, pharmacotherapy, psychiatric, solid organ transplant, toxicology, etc.)
- Community Pharmacist
- Compounding Pharmacist
- Consultant Pharmacist
- Drug Information Pharmacist
- Home Health Pharmacist
- Hospital Pharmacist
- Industrial Pharmacist
- Informatics Pharmacist
- Locum Pharmacist
- Managed Care Pharmacist
- Military Pharmacist
- Nuclear Pharmacist
- Oncology Pharmacist
- Regulatory-Affairs Pharmacist
- Veterinary Pharmacist
- Pharmacist Clinical Pathologist
Ini sumber dari wikipedia ye guyss (:
Then korg jgn ingat pharmacist nh senang, dia sama susah dengan doktor taww sb pharmacist kan kena tahu ubat apa untuk bg pesakit andd andd subject ppun tough tawww. Here's the list :
- Biology
- Organic Chemistry
- General Physics
- Public Speaking
- All Communications
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Microbiology
- Biochemistry
- Pharmaceutical Care
- Pharmacology
- Pharmaceutics
- Toxicology
- Molecular Biology
- Humanities
- Economics
And the list makes me kecut to the perut -,- Htw yelarr kau nh mst la more related to the tough subj.
And umi kata adik kena pandai Biology Physic Chemistry sume. And more toooo Chemistry kena pandai.
And for that marilah kita bersama kempen cinta subject :) I HEART U SO MUCHOOO CHEMISTRY PHYSIC BIOLOGY.
By the way, my bro dah tahu me pny blog hahaha i loike baca lerrr kalau boleh jadi Follower sekali. Terrr Baikkkk :)
Penat dah. Kbai (:
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