Okay nak marah pun first first kena bg salam dulu yeh? Aku bukan nak marah cuma luahan hati. Aku tahu aku sombong aku tahu aku kdg2 muka kerek sikit. Kau pk aku suka ha mcm ni? Seriously aku tkde mksd pun nak buat bnd mcm nh. Tapi dah semulajadi aku macam tuh. Kalau kau boleh tahan dgn aku, aku Sayang gila lah kt kau ;) Hahahaha
Okay, nak cerita dalam kelas dapat no.5. 5? wtheckkk okay syukur Mas. susah pun nak beat org atas aku sume. lanx la walaupun result aku down. Kau pk aku sukaaa?! hahaha nada sume nak marah je kannn.
Then, aku dah jadi supeeeeeeeeeeeer lazy gila. Adui kau pk aku suka?!
Satu benda aku terasa sgt, dan ini buat aku tertekan. Aku rasa mcm baru je aku abis PMR kira kira 8 bulan lepas. And NoWWwwwWWW lagi 17 bulannn ehh? nak SPM. kalau tak salah arghhh, okay mg f4 bukan honeymooooooooon tapi why sekejap sangaaaaaaaaat.
Fact? Tak sangka aku dah sekolah hampir 9 tahun 6 bulan, amirite? 6 tahun di Sekolah Rendah Islam Hira', Batu Belah Klang. dan dah 3 tahun 6 bulan aku dekat SMKS18, Shah Alam. kau sangka ke wehhh? yela aku tahu semua org pun sekolah jgk. Tapi aku tk sangka jugak. Ada aku kesah apa yg kau peduli?
Continueeeeeeeeeeeeeee next next next post gagaga <3 Suka hati aku lah.
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Friday, 17 June 2011
Thanks God because I'm still alive,
I have being away for a long time. About 1 week and 3 days I'm not updating my blog. I get the overall results of the mid-year examinations. Truly, I am a bit disappointed because during the examination that day I was play around. I'm not focus in my study. But, the past is past, i can't turn it back.
So here are my results :
Two additional subject :
Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan A
Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesihatan A-
5 things I hate about my result :
Thanks God because I'm still alive,
I have being away for a long time. About 1 week and 3 days I'm not updating my blog. I get the overall results of the mid-year examinations. Truly, I am a bit disappointed because during the examination that day I was play around. I'm not focus in my study. But, the past is past, i can't turn it back.
So here are my results :
Pendidikan Syariah Islamiah A
Bahasa Melayu A
English A-
Bahasa Arab A-
Pendidikan Al-Quran dan Assunnah A-
Mathematic A-
Additional Mathematic B+
Chemistry B+
Sejarah B
Biology C+
Physic C
Two additional subject :
Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan A
Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesihatan A-
5 things I hate about my result :
- Why can't I get A+? I hate A-. It looks like an ugly alphabet of A with the sign of negative at the back.
- Why my Additional Mathematic cannot be A ? I should do a lot of Add math exercise next time. Hmm
- FTW. Why my biology from A- turns to C+? What's wrong with me? Okay I admit it, My laziness takes over me so loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot ;)
- Why I never understand what the teacher teachs me in Physics Class? Argh what can I do? My brain become slow and more slower when I learn Physic. Haha stupid answer. Maybe I should read more reference book and do some exercises.
- I hate my whole result. EHhh not all, there's thing I love about my result. It's about my PSI and BA results (; BA result from B to A- and PSI result from B to A, a good achievement, innit?
Gtg, kbai ;) Wish me luck for next examination. Eleven A+. HoHO Happy weekend guys <3
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
i can't get rid you out of my mind
away to Jakarta, Indonesia. accept the fact that he did not love me trying to success changing bad to a good person stop get into habit self-downing myself i don't want to cry again pleaseee !
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Assalamualaikum :)
Horayyy horay that's what hols means (: Bowlinggg and karaoke the way we lepak-ing style NOWW

Ini sumber dari wikipedia ye guyss (:
Then korg jgn ingat pharmacist nh senang, dia sama susah dengan doktor taww sb pharmacist kan kena tahu ubat apa untuk bg pesakit andd andd subject ppun tough tawww. Here's the list :
Horayyy horay that's what hols means (: Bowlinggg and karaoke the way we lepak-ing style NOWW

Steal the photo from NrFarhana <3
Okay, i don't want to talk about me lepak-ing with my gegaaaaaal. Tapi nak cerita pasal title di atas maaa.
Td dalam itu kereta perjalanan pulang ke Shah Alam. Love umi and ayah told me to take course of clinical pharmacy. Eiiii umi nh sekejap suruh jadi dentist sekejap suruh jadi pharmacist. Mana satu nh? Well, aku tk kisah sgt pasal my parents suruh jadi tuh jadi inihh sb me pun not have any ambition yet. So, i asked them what is the clinical pharmacy it is? By the way, my sister pun amik pharmacy jgk. Tapi, i want to know what is differ from tht. And hereee that talk beginnnnn......
Berkata-kata ibu saya bahawa kakak saya amik general pharmacy. Okay macam kalau kita amik clinical pharmacy nh. Moreee workkk to gov , hospital clinic sume lerr kann. Bout my sister tuh dia boleh bukak pharmacy sndiri. Nak tahu apa occupation org yg amik course Pharmacy? ini dia list nya bebeh (:
- Academic Pharmacist
- Clinical Pharmacy Specialist (consisting of many subspecialties such as ambulatory care, cardiology, critical care, emergency medicine, geriatrics, HIV pharmacy, infectious diseases, internal medicine, nephrology, nuclear, nutrition support, oncology, palliative care/pain management, pediatrics, pharmacotherapy, psychiatric, solid organ transplant, toxicology, etc.)
- Community Pharmacist
- Compounding Pharmacist
- Consultant Pharmacist
- Drug Information Pharmacist
- Home Health Pharmacist
- Hospital Pharmacist
- Industrial Pharmacist
- Informatics Pharmacist
- Locum Pharmacist
- Managed Care Pharmacist
- Military Pharmacist
- Nuclear Pharmacist
- Oncology Pharmacist
- Regulatory-Affairs Pharmacist
- Veterinary Pharmacist
- Pharmacist Clinical Pathologist
Ini sumber dari wikipedia ye guyss (:
Then korg jgn ingat pharmacist nh senang, dia sama susah dengan doktor taww sb pharmacist kan kena tahu ubat apa untuk bg pesakit andd andd subject ppun tough tawww. Here's the list :
- Biology
- Organic Chemistry
- General Physics
- Public Speaking
- All Communications
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Microbiology
- Biochemistry
- Pharmaceutical Care
- Pharmacology
- Pharmaceutics
- Toxicology
- Molecular Biology
- Humanities
- Economics
And the list makes me kecut to the perut -,- Htw yelarr kau nh mst la more related to the tough subj.
And umi kata adik kena pandai Biology Physic Chemistry sume. And more toooo Chemistry kena pandai.
And for that marilah kita bersama kempen cinta subject :) I HEART U SO MUCHOOO CHEMISTRY PHYSIC BIOLOGY.
By the way, my bro dah tahu me pny blog hahaha i loike baca lerrr kalau boleh jadi Follower sekali. Terrr Baikkkk :)
Penat dah. Kbai (:
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Macam ini Macam itu Bila cuti sekolah bermula :)
Assalamualaikum for Muslims,
Hello for all ppl :)
3 minggu bergelumang dengan examination . Now let's partyin partyyin bebeh :) Okay, holidays 2 minggu tapi kan asal dia tak buat 3 minggu je sama mcm exam. Lolz stops talking crap gal . By the way, duduk rumah time cuti nh membuatkan aku tak betul. Loh i blame hols for that. No no, I TOO IN LOVE WITH HOLS :)
Tadi call umi, then umi tak dengar suara me, then me pun matikan la call tuh. Well guna phone cikai mg cmtuh tak betul, haha phone lagi satu pulak xde kredit. That's life mannn, Hols mana ada income haha :P Then me pun text lha umi. Macam nh :
Assalamualaikum for Muslims,
Hello for all ppl :)
3 minggu bergelumang dengan examination . Now let's partyin partyyin bebeh :) Okay, holidays 2 minggu tapi kan asal dia tak buat 3 minggu je sama mcm exam. Lolz stops talking crap gal . By the way, duduk rumah time cuti nh membuatkan aku tak betul. Loh i blame hols for that. No no, I TOO IN LOVE WITH HOLS :)
Tadi call umi, then umi tak dengar suara me, then me pun matikan la call tuh. Well guna phone cikai mg cmtuh tak betul, haha phone lagi satu pulak xde kredit. That's life mannn, Hols mana ada income haha :P Then me pun text lha umi. Macam nh :
Me : Phone mslh. Umi mana? Bila nak balik? Jom la jalan jalan
Umi : Ummi bertugas kat sekolah sampai 4 petang. Pandai2lah cari makan.
Me: Hah? Apa punya sekolah? Patut hols keluar ng family. Apa kan daya anak tercicir di rumah.
Merajuk la cm nh
Hahaha, see? i talking crap this hols. By the way, ada ke ayat 'tercicir di rumah'. Mcm weirdo :)
Kbai Assalamualaikum ♥
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