Saturday, 31 December 2011

Komawo chingu (:

Titewww malas nak update lagi la, titewww bthu sapa wish titewww 1st dan wish kite kt blog dorg dulu la yeeeh?

1st winner: Azam gedik

4 org yg rajin update blog dorg untuk wish bornday saya :

---->Adriana Hanisah
--->Nazrul Hafiz
---->Farah Nabillah
------>Nurin Jazlina

Nanti titewww cerita lagi ye. Kstop merepek.

Friends Forever!

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

2011 : >

Perfect Picture, Perfect Memory
Location : Full House Cafe
Date : 24 December 2011
Shopaholic - Mas
Control Freak - Fana
Paiseh - Adlina

Given by Nur Adlina, Thanks Friend :>

I love u guys so much . That always stay by my side T.T

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

That I was A fool Who loved u Only

 How can I forget u if this All memories still in my mind?
 Letter flying from our heart
 Image of our childish moment
 From : My ribena bestfriend ( Aminah + Khadijah)
 Colourful one so i can't  forget  that
 Apologize for Hari Raya even they don't do a mistake
 Raya card from Nur Ashiqin
Pemilik blog ini
 Again, this is the card inside the envelope :)
 Within our feeling changing with others, our thing also changing with others
From : Nur Farhana n Nur Ashiqin
How can I forget this little gift? My adorable Hello kitty was given by Zulaikha <3

P/S : That I was A fool Who Loved them Only T.T

Friday, 9 December 2011


I wish when I cry the skies also rain. Then, my crying shoulder come to me cause he/she knows when its rain it means I'm crying.